Can I Get Results From Braces Quicker?

Beautiful woman with dental braces on red backgroundWearing braces presents a unique for patients. On the one hand, you know that braces can be a necessary part of the journey toward having a beautiful smile. On the other hand, it can be challenging for some people to remain patient throughout the process. Braces need time to do their work, but many people wonder if it’s possible to help braces be effective in less time. Bryan Johnson Orthodontics specializes in providing patients with the best tools to suit their orthodontic needs, which can sometimes include braces. If you’re wondering if you can make your braces work faster, here are a few things to consider as you go through your journey.

The Kind of Braces You Have

You can get several types of braces, and each one comes with a unique set of challenges. One of the more common forms of braces is metal braces. The challenges that metal braces can bring can make it challenging for those hoping for rapid results. Metal braces often require adjustments every few weeks, making it essential to remain patient as your teeth shift into their proper position.

Other kinds of braces you may receive or how long it takes to see noticeable results depend on your situation and needs.

How Soon You Start

Another factor that can play a role in the effectiveness of your braces is how soon you start. Many experts recommend that if patients must have braces, the ideal time to do it is between 11 and 14 years old. However, the American Association of Orthodontists suggests that you begin braces as early as possible to keep issues from worsening with time, so the early intervention of dental issues can play a crucial part in how effective braces are.

Dental Habits

Another significant factor in how quickly your braces provide results is your dental habits. Following your dentist’s guidelines on what you eat can help ensure that your braces can do their job well. If you enjoy hard or sticky food items such as

  • Chewing gum
  • Nuts
  • Ice
  • Raw vegetables
  • Hard candy

You may have to make significant adjustments to your diet to ensure that your braces can provide you with maximum efficiency.

Come Visit Us

Here at Bryan Johnson Orthodontics, we believe in providing you with an experience that suits your individual needs and not a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. The first step in finding out how we can help you is to contact our office. Schedule an appointment at one of our 4 locations by calling us today at 503-362-9548.

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