Ditch the Metal With Clear Aligners

Smiling woman with healthy teeth using removable clear braces alignerBraces are an essential tool for those who need help achieving the smile of their dreams. They help ensure teeth get properly aligned and close any gaps that might detract from your smile’s appearance. However, some people struggle with wearing braces for several reasons. One of the primary concerns of those who hesitate to wear braces is how braces look. Although there are some customizations patients can make to help personalize braces, it may not always be enough to help people feel more secure. However, Dr. Johnson has an innovative method to help patients address orthodontic concerns and avoid using metal. Clear aligners help patients achieve the smile they want while helping them maintain their confidence. Here are a few points on how they work and if they may fit your needs.

Subtle Orthodontic Care

Some people may avoid getting braces because they don’t like the idea of having metal in their mouths for an extended period. Clear aligners help patients keep a low profile while they correct their teeth. As the name suggests, clear aligners feature a clear appearance, making them nearly invisible to the untrained eye. Clear aligners can be a welcome tool for those who want to correct their smile discreetly and avoid feeling self-conscious about their orthodontic care.

Easy Brushing

Another common concern for those who must wear braces is the potential of having difficulty maintaining thorough brushing habits. Some people worry that traditional braces won’t allow them to brush their teeth well enough to have a bright and healthy smile. Clear aligners help address this concern because you can take them off before brushing your teeth and then put them back on before you head out for the day.

Designed for Comfort

Most orthodontists are careful to ensure the comfort of their patients throughout their journey with braces, but traditional braces can be uncomfortable for some people. Not only are clear aligners built for comfort, but their design allows for sturdiness and durability, which can reduce office visits for adjustments and maintenance repairs.

If you’re looking for a comfortable and convenient way to achieve the smile of your dreams, please call Dr. Johnson’s office. We can provide clear aligners to help you get closer to your goals with a customized approach to fit your needs. For more on how we can help, please schedule a consultation at one of our 4 locations by calling us today at 503-362-9548.

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