Get Clear on Ceramic Braces Pros and Cons

Close,Up,Open,Mouth,With,Ceramic,And,Metal,Braces,OnOrthodontic treatment has come a long way over the years. Patients now have many options to choose from when it comes to achieving straighter and healthier smiles.

One popular choice for today’s orthodontic patients is ceramic braces. In this blog post, we’ll explore ceramic braces pros and cons to help you make the most informed decision when selecting the right type of braces for you or your child.

What Are Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces closely resemble traditional metal braces in function. However, rather than being made with metal, they’re made with translucent material. This means they more closely match the natural appearance of teeth. As such, many patients looking for more discreet orthodontic treatment select ceramic braces.

Pros of Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces have many advantages, including the following:

  • Aesthetic Appeal. Made from clear-colored materials, ceramic braces are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.
  • Effective Tooth Movement. Ceramic braces allow for efficient yet highly effective tooth movement. Unlike clear aligners, they’re also suitable for more severe misalignments, malocclusions, and overcrowding.
  • Comfort. Because of their smooth and rounded edges, ceramic braces typically cause less pain and irritation to the cheeks and gums than metal braces.
  • No Signal Interference on Dental X-Rays. While metal braces can interfere with imaging test signals, ceramic braces are less disruptive.

Cons of Ceramic Braces

This doesn’t mean ceramic braces are ideal for everyone. Here are some of their potential downsides:

  • Cost: One notable drawback of ceramic braces is their cost, which can be much higher than metal braces.
  • Sensitivity. Because ceramic brackets are slightly larger than their metal counterparts, accessing the enamel and gumline for thorough cleanings can be more challenging. This can result in swollen and/or receding gums.
  • Breakage. Ceramic braces require more care and maintenance. The need for repairs and incremental adjustment can also prolong treatment times.
  • Discoloration. While ceramic braces are resistant to discoloration, they can still stain over time — especially without proper oral hygiene and dietary restrictions.

Straighten Your Smile with Bryan Johnson Orthodontics

With six offices in and around Salem, Oregon, the Bryan Johnson Orthodontics team can help. Our team is led by Dr. Johnson, a skilled professional with over 25 years of orthodontic experience. Call us at 503-362-9548 or fill out a convenient online form to get in touch with us today.

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